In the digital age, ebooks have become an essential way for authors and publishers to distribute their content. While this distribution method is low-cost and efficient, it is unfortunately plagued by widespread piracy. Piracy not only affects authors’ profits but also tarnishes the quality of digital content available to consumers. If you’re an author or publisher, it’s crucial to protect your ebooks from unauthorized sharing and theft.


Ebook Piracy: The Hidden Threat

Since the advent of ebooks, piracy has been a major concern for authors, publishers, and anyone involved in digital publishing. Unlike physical books, where making high-quality copies is expensive and time-consuming, digital files can be copied and distributed with ease, making it harder to safeguard against unauthorized sharing.

Ebook piracy is a significant issue, costing publishers and authors millions in lost revenue. Without the right protections, your ebook could end up being illegally shared across various platforms, drastically diminishing its value and impact.

The Prevalence of Ebook Piracy

According to the UK’s Intellectual Property Office, 24% of ebooks consumed online were pirated in 2022. This figure is similar to the piracy rate for films and even surpasses that of video games. In fact, ebook piracy has been growing steadily, with a 58.5% increase in publishing piracy between 2021 and 2022, as reported by MUSO.

Impact of Ebook Piracy

The consequences of ebook piracy are far-reaching. Here are some of the main impacts:

  • Loss of Revenue – Ebook piracy directly cuts into the earnings of authors and publishers, with an estimated $315 million lost in the U.S. ebook market alone.
  • Reduced Investment in Future Content – When profits drop due to piracy, authors and publishers may struggle to fund future projects, leading to fewer new books and reduced creativity in the industry.
  • Increased Prices – To compensate for lost revenue, authors and publishers may increase ebook prices, making it more difficult for legitimate customers to afford books.
  • Damage to Reputation – Pirated books are often of lower quality, and this could negatively affect an author’s reputation if readers mistakenly purchase pirated versions.
  • Legal and Licensing Issues – Unauthorized sharing of ebooks also complicates licensing agreements, especially for libraries and other institutions that rely on strict lending rules.

How to Protect Your Ebook from Piracy

While ebook piracy is a significant threat, there are steps you can take to protect your digital content. Let’s explore the most effective ways to prevent unauthorized distribution of your ebooks.

1. Understand Ebook Piracy Distribution Channels

Pirated ebooks can be found on many platforms, including torrent sites, social media platforms like Reddit, and even legitimate sites such as Amazon. These pirated copies are often uploaded by users who do not own the copyrights. Once shared, these copies can spread rapidly, especially if there are no proper protection measures in place.

2. Use Strong DRM Protection

One of the most effective ways to prevent ebook piracy is by using robust Digital Rights Management (DRM) software. DRM helps control who can access, copy, and modify your ebook. However, not all DRM solutions are created equal. The most popular DRM systems, such as those used by Amazon and Adobe, can be easily bypassed using free tools available online.

3. Choose a Reliable DRM Solution

To truly protect your ebook, you need a DRM solution that is difficult to bypass. VeryPDF DRM Protector offers a comprehensive PDF DRM solution that locks your ebook to authorized devices, preventing unauthorized sharing, copying, and modification. Unlike other solutions, VeryPDF DRM Protector employs strong encryption and secure viewer applications, ensuring that your ebook remains protected even in offline modes.

4. Implement Watermarks and Encryption

While watermarks are often used as a deterrent, they can be easily removed by experienced pirates. Instead, using strong encryption in combination with DRM restrictions offers better protection. VeryPDF DRM Protector’s PDF DRM solution prevents screen capturing, copying, pasting, and even screenshots, making it significantly harder for pirates to share your ebook.

5. Choose PDF Format Over Other Formats

Many authors consider formats like EPUB for ebooks due to their flexibility. However, EPUB files are more vulnerable to piracy because their DRM protection is not as robust as PDF. VeryPDF DRM Protector specializes in PDF DRM, which is not only more secure but also provides a consistent reading experience across devices. The ability to lock PDF ebooks to specific devices, combined with secure viewing restrictions, makes PDFs a superior choice when it comes to protecting your digital content.

6. Monitor and Enforce Your Copyright

Although copyright law offers protection, it’s important to actively monitor and enforce your rights. Registering your copyright with official bodies such as the U.S. Copyright Office will provide you with a clear timeline and legal standing if you need to take action against piracy. It’s also advisable to include a copyright notice and the phrase “All Rights Reserved” in your ebook to assert ownership clearly to readers.

Why VeryPDF DRM Protector is Your Best Choice

VeryPDF DRM Protector is one of the most powerful and reliable DRM solutions available today. Unlike other DRM systems, VeryPDF DRM Protector offers complete protection against piracy and unauthorized sharing by:

  • Locking ebooks to specific devices – This ensures that your ebook can only be accessed by authorized users.
  • Preventing copying and sharing – The software prevents text copying, screenshots, and unauthorized distribution.
  • Providing secure offline functionality – Your ebook remains protected even when viewed offline.
  • Allowing partial or full access restrictions – You can control access to your ebook based on geographic location, expiration date, or device.

To get started with protecting your ebooks, you can try VeryPDF DRM Protector for free online at Upload your PDF file, select the ‘Make Secure PDF’ option, and start securing your content instantly.


Ebook piracy is a growing issue that affects authors, publishers, and readers alike. However, with the right tools and strategies, you can protect your digital books from being stolen and ensure that your hard work is properly rewarded. VeryPDF DRM Protector provides an effective, secure, and user-friendly solution to protect your ebooks from piracy, giving you peace of mind and ensuring that your revenue stream remains intact.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action now to secure your ebooks from piracy with VeryPDF DRM Protector.

Ebook Piracy – How to Stop Your Books from Being Stolen, How to Prevent Ebook Piracy and Protect Your Digital Books from Theft

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