As a business, you will likely deal with data and documents on a regular basis. With cloud technology, sharing documents has become easier and riskier.  Some of these documents may be for internal purposes, while others may be for clients. Regardless, you need to ensure you have better control over these documents, enhance document security, maintain records of the users of the documents, and so on.

The reason for such requirements is that enterprises cannot afford any of their data being copied or accessed in an unauthorized manner. With the latest news of data breaches coming frequently, it has become imperative to think of data security in a more organized manner.

DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security.

What’s the solution? Digital Rights Management software.

DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security. Doing a comprehensive research before choosing a DRM software is important.

VeryPDF has an online DRM Security Tool, you may test it from this web page,

DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security.With VeryPDF DRM technology, you will obtain following features,

  1. Control document usage – copying, printing, editing, etc.
  2. Prevent sharing with unauthorized users.
  3. Stop screen grabbing and printing to file drivers.
  4. Enforce expiry – days use, specific date, no. of views/prints.
  5. Revoke access to documents and users.
  6. Restrict document use to specific IP address or IP range.
  7. Watermark PDF files with dynamic user data & date/time stamp.
  8. Track document usage – see who views/prints your files.
  9. Integrate with command line for automated protection of PDF files.
  10. Integrate with ecommerce for 24×7 document delivery.
DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security.

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