VeryPDF DRM Creator Command Line Command Line options

“VeryPDF PDF DRM Creator Command Line” version 3.0
Copyright 1996-2018 Inc.
Product Name: VeryPDF PDF DRM Creator Command Line
Usage: drmpdf.exe [options] <PDF-file>
-json <string>                    : Use JSON file to encrypt PDF files, JSON file may contains all options
-IsNeedInternet <int>             : IsNeedInternetConnection
-enc-rc4v1                        : Use rc4v1 encryption
-enc-rc4v2                        : Use rc4v2 encryption (Default value)
-enc-aes                          : Use AES encryption (currently not supported)
-enc-upwd <string>                : An optional user password
-enc-opwd <string>                : The required owner password, *Required
-enc-print                        : Allow printing the document
-enc-edit                         : Allow modifying the document besides annotations, form fields or changing pages
-enc-copy                         : Allow text and graphic extraction
-enc-editnotes                    : Add or modify text annotations or form fields (if ePdfPermissions_Edit is set also allow to create interactive form fields including signature)
-enc-fillandsign                  : Fill in existing form or signature fields
-enc-accessible                   : Extract text and graphics to support user with disabilities
-enc-assemble                     : Assemble the document: insert, create, rotate delete pages or add bookmarks
-enc-highprint                    : Print a high resolution version of the document
-createvpdf <string>              : Create VPDF with unique key, Document ID of vPDF, same as -FileID
-FileID <string>                  : Create VPDF with unique key, Document ID of vPDF, same as -createvpdf
-FileKey <string>                 : The required open password
-FileName <string>                : Set original File name without path, like sample.xlsx
-SerialNo <string>                : SerialNo for vPDF
-email <string>                   : Set Email Account for vPDF
-DenySave <int>                   : DenySave
-DenySaveAs <int>                 : DenySaveAs
-RetainKeysInPDF <int>            : Retain Keys in vPDF file, so you can view the vPDF file in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat
-opw <string>                     : owner password (for encrypted files)
-upw <string>                     : user password (for encrypted files)
-expiry-after-date <string>       : Expiry after a special date
-expiry-after-views <int>         : Expiry after a number of views
-expiry-after-prints <int>        : Expiry after a number of prints
-close-after-seconds <int>        : Close PDF Viewer after a limit time in seconds
-delete-after-expiry              : Delete PDF file after expiry
-limit-disk-id <string>           : DRM Protected PDF file can be viewed on special Disk only
-limit-ip <string>                : DRM Protected PDF file can be viewed on special IP only
-limit-usb-id <string>            : DRM Protected PDF file can be viewed on special USB only
-IsUseExpireAfterDate <int>       : IsUseExpireAfterDate
-SetIdleTime <int>                : Set Idle time for close document, Unit: seconds
-CloseAfterSeconds <int>          : Close PDF Viewer after a limit time in seconds, same as -close-after-seconds
-SetInvalidPWCount <int>          : If this value is greater than 0, and when user fail login on [SetInvalidPWCount] times, then don’t allow open vPDF any more
-LimitDiskID <string>             : same as -limit-disk-id
-LimitIP <string>                 : same as -limit-ip
-LimitUSBID <string>              : same as -limit-usb-id
-IsReceiveLogByEMail <int>        : Is receive log by email
-TitleOfMessage <string>          : Title message of this vPDF
-DescriptionOfMessage <string>    : String of content description of this vPDF
-LoginName <string>               : Login name for vPDF
-LoginPwd <string>                : Login password for vPDF
-LogonID1 <string>                : Login name for vPDF
-Password1 <string>               : Login password for vPDF
-LogonID2 <string>                : Login name for vPDF
-Password2 <string>               : Login password for vPDF
-LogonID3 <string>                : Login name for vPDF
-Password3 <string>               : Login password for vPDF
-LogonID4 <string>                : Login name for vPDF
-Password4 <string>               : Login password for vPDF
-LogonID5 <string>                : Login name for vPDF
-Password5 <string>               : Login password for vPDF
-stamp_type <int>                 : Stamp Type: 1 is Text, 2 is image, 3 is PDF, 4 is line
-stamp_text <string>              : Set Watermark text or full path/URL for image or PDF file
-stamp_x <int>                    : X offset value from current position, if you set X=-1, the current X position is equal to PageWidth/2
-stamp_y <int>                    : Y offset value from current position, if you set Y=-1, the current Y position is equal to PageHeight/2
-stamp_width <int>                : Set width for the stamp, or width to line stamp
-stamp_height <int>               : Set height for the stamp, if you set height=0, the current font size will be calculated automatically, fit to page width
-stamp_text_bold                  : Set Bold attribute to text stamp
-stamp_text_italic                : Set Italic attribute to text stamp
-stamp_text_fontname <string>     : Set font name for text stamp
-stamp_opacity <int>              : Watermark opacity option, the range is 0~100
-stamp_angle <int>                : Rotate the watermark, the range is -360~360
-stamp_color <string>             : Watermark color, e.g., 000000, FFFF00, 00FF00, etc.
-stamp_scale <int>                : Scale stamp’s size, the default is 100
-stamp_xpostype <int>             : xPosType: 0 is from left, 1 is from center, 2 is from right
-stamp_ypostype <int>             : yPosType: 0 is from top,  1 is from center, 2 is from bottom
-stamp_x2 <int>                   : Set End X position for Line stamp
-stamp_y2 <int>                   : Set End Y position for Line stamp
-stamp_pagerange <string>         : Set page range for the stamp, e.g., 1-5, 6-7, etc.
-stamp_importpdfpageindex <int>   : Import special page from PDF file as a stamp, start from page 1
-h                                : print usage information
-help                             : print usage information
–help                            : print usage information
-?                                : print usage information
-$ <string>                       : input your license key
drmpdf.exe D:\in.pdf
drmpdf.exe D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -opw 123 -upw 456 D:\in.pdf D:\in.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -expiry-after-date “2015/12/30 16:53” D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -expiry-after-views 10 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -expiry-after-prints 10 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -close-after-seconds 300 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf
drmpdf.exe -delete-after-expiry D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

You can run following command line to get DiskDrive ID Information,
wmic diskdrive get PNPDeviceID

drmpdf.exe -limit-disk-id “IDE\DISKHITACHI_HTS725050A7E630_________________GH2ZB390\4&15A50E0B&0&0.0.0” D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -limit-ip “” D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -limit-usb-id “USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_EXTERNAL&REV_1.14\365644413254395620202020&0” D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 1 -stamp_text “VeryPDF Watermark” -stamp_x 1 -stamp_y 1 -stamp_xpostype 1 -stamp_ypostype 1 -stamp_text_bold -stamp_opacity50 -stamp_angle -30 -stamp_color FF0000 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 1 -stamp_text “VeryPDF” -stamp_x 1 -stamp_y 1 -stamp_xpostype 1 -stamp_ypostype 1 -stamp_text_bold -stamp_opacity 50 -stamp_angle -45 -stamp_color FF0000 -close-after-seconds 50 -expiry-after-date “2015/12/30 16:53” -expiry-after-views 10 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 2 -stamp_text “D:\logo.png” -stamp_x 100 -stamp_y 100 -stamp_width 200 -stamp_height 300 -stamp_opacity 50 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 3 -stamp_text “D:\logo.pdf” -stamp_importpdfpageindex 1 -stamp_x 100 -stamp_y 100 -stamp_width 200 -stamp_height 300 -stamp_opacity 50 -close-after-seconds 50 -expiry-after-date “2015/12/30 16:53” -expiry-after-views 10 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 4 -stamp_text line -stamp_x 100 -stamp_y 100 -stamp_x2 200 -stamp_y2 200 -stamp_width 20 -stamp_opacity 50 -stamp_color FF0000 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 4 -stamp_text line -stamp_x 100 -stamp_y 100 -stamp_x2 200 -stamp_y2 200 -stamp_width 20 -stamp_opacity 50 -stamp_color FF0000 -close-after-seconds 50 -expiry-after-date “2015/12/30 16:53” -expiry-after-views 10 D:\in.pdf D:\out.vpdf

Following command line will protect all PDF files in D:\temp\ folder,
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do drmpdf.exe “%F” “%~dpnF.vpdf”

Following command line will protect all PDF files in D:\temp\ folder and sub-directories,
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do drmpdf.exe “%F” “%~dpnF.vpdf”

Following command line will protect all PDF files in D:\temp\ folder and output files to C:\test folder,
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do drmpdf.exe “%F” “C:\test\%~nF.vpdf”

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 1 -stamp_text “Confidential” -stamp_text_fontname “Arial Black” -stamp_x 1 -stamp_y 1 -stamp_xpostype 1 -stamp_ypostype 1 -stamp_text_bold -stamp_opacity 30 -stamp_angle -45 -stamp_color FF0000 -json test-offline.json

drmpdf.exe -stamp_type 1 -stamp_text “Confidential” -stamp_text_fontname “Arial Black” -stamp_x 1 -stamp_y 1 -stamp_xpostype 1 -stamp_ypostype 1 -stamp_text_bold -stamp_opacity 30 -stamp_angle -45 -stamp_color FF0000 -json test-online.json

See Also:

Free Online PDF DRM Security

VeryPDF Cloud PDF DRM Protector

VeryPDF DRM Creator Command Line Command Line options

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