Dear Support, I read something you have a PDF Server, I am interested about, i have a little Store for something and like have Online some PDF Documents to order at my store. Is only little so i like to
VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API, include C#, cURL, Java, Javascript, PHP, VB.NET examples
VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API web page, VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API supports following GET and POST options, Array([InputFileType] => WebURL[WebFileURL] =>[Email] =>[PasswordForInputPDFFile] => 123[UserPassword] => 1oOJ54c75sM27b6t[OwnerPassword] => 4Zyq457dccbV0Q5D[PDFCompatibility] => 6[perm_allowprinting] => on[perm_modify] => on[perm_high_quality_printing] => on[perm_allow_comment] => on[perm_fill_forms]
How to sell, rent, distribute PDFs online?
If you want to sell/rent/distribute PDFs online, have a look at VeryPDF DRM Solution ( VeryPDF DRM provides a free online DRM solution to protect your PDF files with online DRM technology, your documents are never transferred to a server