In the digital age, securing sensitive documents is more important than ever. PDF files, often used to share reports, contracts, or confidential information, are highly susceptible to unauthorized access, editing, copying, and distribution. One of the most effective ways to
How to Make a PDF Read-Only or Non-Editable with VeryPDF DRM Protector
In today’s world, document security is crucial, especially when dealing with sensitive or confidential information. PDFs are one of the most commonly used formats for sharing documents, but they are not immune to unauthorized edits or modifications. While many applications
How to Modify PDF Security Settings and Control Access After Sending
When you send out a PDF document, you often hope that the security settings you applied will cover all scenarios. However, there are times when you need to update those settings, either to restrict access, modify the expiry date, or
How to Revoke Document Access and Protect Your PDFs with VeryPDF DRM Protector
The importance of protecting PDF files cannot be overstated. Whether you are a publisher, business, or individual, safeguarding your sensitive documents from unauthorized access, distribution, or editing is essential. However, protecting documents goes beyond just preventing unauthorized access — sometimes,
Google Docs Watermark Security: Why Google Docs Watermarks Are Not Secure. Why It’s Easy to Remove & How to Protect Documents
Google Docs offers a watermarking tool, but how effective is it? In this article, we explore the vulnerabilities of Google Docs watermarks, how easily they can be removed, and how to apply a permanent watermark using VeryPDF DRM Protector. Why