VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API, include C#, cURL, Java, Javascript, PHP, VB.NET examples

VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API web page,


VeryPDF PDFDRM Cloud API supports following GET and POST options,

[InputFileType] => WebURL
[WebFileURL] =>
[Email] =>
[PasswordForInputPDFFile] => 123
[UserPassword] => 1oOJ54c75sM27b6t
[OwnerPassword] => 4Zyq457dccbV0Q5D
[PDFCompatibility] => 6
[perm_allowprinting] => on
[perm_modify] => on
[perm_high_quality_printing] => on
[perm_allow_comment] => on
[perm_fill_forms] => on
[perm_content_extraction] => on
[perm_document_assembly] => on
[perm_copy_content] => on
[perm_clearText_metadata] => on
[perm_accessibility] => on
[linearize] => on
[VeryPDFDRM_IsNeedInternet] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_ClientTimeZone] => 0
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_LogonID_01] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_LogonID_01] => Demo
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_Password_01] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_Password_01] => Demo
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_ExpireAfterDate] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_ExpireAfterDate] => 2018/03/21 12:10
[VeryPDFDRM_DenyPrint] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_DenyClipCopy] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_DenySave] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_DenySaveAs] => ON
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_SetIdleTime] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_SetIdleTime] => 300
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_CloseAfterSeconds] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_CloseAfterSeconds] => 300
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_TitleOfMessage] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_TitleOfMessage] => VeryPDF DRM Reader
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_DescriptionOfMessage] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_DescriptionOfMessage] => Welcome to use VeryPDF DRM Reader, if you have any question for this document, please feel free contact us at ‘’ email address.
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_ExpireAfterViews] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_ExpireAfterViews] => 10
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_ExpirePrintCount] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_ExpirePrintCount] => 10
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_SetInvalidPWCount] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_SetInvalidPWCount] => 10
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_PDFExpiryDelete] => ON
[VeryPDFDRM_LimitDiskID] =>
[Check_VeryPDFDRM_LimitIP] => OFF
[VeryPDFDRM_LimitIP] =>
[VeryPDFDRM_LimitUSBDriveID] =>
[TextWatermark_Text] => VeryPDF
[TextWatermark_Color] => FF0000
[TextWatermark_X] => 1
[TextWatermark_Y] => 1
[TextWatermark_OffsetX] => 0
[TextWatermark_OffsetY] => 0
[TextWatermark_FontName] => Arial
[TextWatermark_FontSize] => 0
[TextWatermark_Opacity] => 50
[TextWatermark_Rotate] => 45
[ImageWatermark_File] =>
[ImageWatermark_X] => 1
[ImageWatermark_Y] => 1
[ImageWatermark_OffsetX] => 0
[ImageWatermark_OffsetY] => 0
[ImageWatermark_Width] => 0
[ImageWatermark_Height] => 0
[ImageWatermark_Scale] => 100
[ImageWatermark_Opacity] => 50
[ImageWatermark_Rotate] => 0
[ImageWatermark_TransparentColor] => 000000
[PDFWatermark_File] =>
[PDFWatermark_PDFPage] => 1
[PDFWatermark_X] => 1
[PDFWatermark_Y] => 1
[PDFWatermark_OffsetX] => 0
[PDFWatermark_OffsetY] => 0
[PDFWatermark_Width] => 100
[PDFWatermark_Height] => 100
[PDFWatermark_Scale] => 100
[PDFWatermark_Opacity] => 50
[PDFWatermark_Rotate] => 0
[LineWatermark_X1] => 0
[LineWatermark_Y1] => 100
[LineWatermark_X2] => 1000
[LineWatermark_Y2] => 100
[LineWatermark_Opacity] => 50
[LineWatermark_Rotate] => 0
[LineWatermark_Width] => 20
[LineWatermark_Color] => FF0000

If you wish to use GET options, you can use following options in the URL,

Here is the full URL with above options,

Click this URL to test VeryPDF DRMPDF API

How to sell, rent, distribute PDFs online?

If you want to sell/rent/distribute PDFs online, have a look at VeryPDF DRM Solution (

VeryPDF DRM provides a free online DRM solution to protect your PDF files with online DRM technology, your documents are never transferred to a server or moved from your computer, you can distribute the protected file directly, and no one else will have access to the original file but you.


VeryPDF DRM Solution does protect your PDF files from sharing. It controls who can view the document and how many times they can view it.

We have some customers who spent lots of days on searching for a DRM solution to protect PDF files from being shared, their requirements are listed below,

  • Secure from printing, saving and screen capture.
  • Watermark on PDF files.
  • Be read on MAC, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android and Online Web App, multi-platform.
  • Set start & end date.
  • Set no. of days – for 12 month subscription.
  • USB protection.
  • If there’s a cloud edition, protection from sharing with other users within the organization.
  • User Friendly.
  • Good support.
  • Tracking.
  • Inexpensive.

VeryPDF DRM Solution does support all of above requirements. You can visit to test free online application for PDF protection.

VeryPDF is an old PDF DRM solution provider. We provide PDF protection from sharing. You can lock your PDF files online easily. With VeryPDF DRM protection, you don’t need to worry about share or copy the protected file, because it’s protected with a license. The license can not be copied. You totally control the copyright of your PDF file. Users must obtain a license with username and password to open the PDF file. You can control the begin date, expiration date, open count, print count, and you can also disable virtual printer. VeryPDF provides free online application that you can try it for free.


Now, you can use VeryPDF DRM Solution ( ) to protect a PDF that you can distribute and sell it from your website or any online store.

DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security.

As a business, you will likely deal with data and documents on a regular basis. With cloud technology, sharing documents has become easier and riskier.  Some of these documents may be for internal purposes, while others may be for clients. Regardless, you need to ensure you have better control over these documents, enhance document security, maintain records of the users of the documents, and so on.

The reason for such requirements is that enterprises cannot afford any of their data being copied or accessed in an unauthorized manner. With the latest news of data breaches coming frequently, it has become imperative to think of data security in a more organized manner.


What’s the solution? Digital Rights Management software.

DRM software with document encryption and copy protection are most sought after technologies in document security. Doing a comprehensive research before choosing a DRM software is important.

VeryPDF has an online DRM Security Tool, you may test it from this web page,

imageWith VeryPDF DRM technology, you will obtain following features,

  1. Control document usage – copying, printing, editing, etc.
  2. Prevent sharing with unauthorized users.
  3. Stop screen grabbing and printing to file drivers.
  4. Enforce expiry – days use, specific date, no. of views/prints.
  5. Revoke access to documents and users.
  6. Restrict document use to specific IP address or IP range.
  7. Watermark PDF files with dynamic user data & date/time stamp.
  8. Track document usage – see who views/prints your files.
  9. Integrate with command line for automated protection of PDF files.
  10. Integrate with ecommerce for 24×7 document delivery.

VeryPDF provides cost-effective PDF security and PDF copyright protection with digital rights management for Windows pcs, mac, iPads/iPhones and Android devices. Our software and services are widely used by training organizations, colleges and universities, and publishers wishing to make their books available electronically

VeryPDF’s mission is to ensure that your PDF and Office Document files are fully protected against onward distribution, content copying and unauthorized printing. Access to secured PDFs is supported by date controls, advanced watermarking and sophisticated tracking, all provided at a highly competitive price with great customer service.


Offline Solution: Using our secure VeryPDF DRM VPDF readers. Use our free software to create and distribute strongly encrypted PDFs protected with our cloud-based Digital Rights Management (DRM) services. Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more) can be converted to PDF files for offline protection.

Online Solution: VeryPDF HTML5 Cloud PDF Reader display DRM VPDF file using a modern web browser with no printing, copying or downloading, optional user access control, service management, technical support and more. Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more) files can be converted to encrypted VPDF files for online protection.

Managed Offline and Online Services: Where we do all the work for you, include: File encryption, hosting, e-commerce, distribution, service management, technical support and more.

VeryPDF software and services enables you to securely distribute books, technical manuals, training courseware, newsletters, market research reports and similar documents that are in PDF format. Facilities for converting PowerPoint files to fully interactive web-based secure versions are available. Our technology ensures your documents are truly secure from copying and have other permissions controls applied to them (e.g. no printing, date expiry, smart watermarking etc.). Please Contact us for more details and advice on implementing your project.

How many users can read the VPDF file? what’s the meaning for "Up to N documents"?

Dear Sir,

I am considering signing up for the $39.95 plan but had a couple of things I wanted to verify first. They are:

1. If the option “Is Online PDF (need internet)?” is selected I am assuming that if we have multiple people that access the .vpdf file online (on the VeryPDF server) each of them could be given a separate login. If we gave 500 people access to the .vpdf file, would we be up to 500 for “Up to N documents” in the purchase plan ?

or would we just be on 1 .vpdf file with 500 separate logins.

2. If we chose to email a copy of the .vpdf file to 500 people, and lock the file to viewing on their hard disk or IP address, would that mean we were up to 500 for “Up to N documents” in the purchase plan.

or would we just be on 1 .vpdf file with 500 separate IP addresses.

If you could let me know this it will assist us to make a decision regarding the $ 39.95 plan.

Thank you.


>>I am considering signing up for the $ 39.95 plan but had a couple of things I wanted to verify first. They are:
>>1. If the option “Is Online PDF (need internet)?” is selected I am assuming that if we have multiple people that access the .vpdf file online (on the VeryPDF server) each of them could be given a separate login. If we gave 500 people access to the .vpdf file, would we be up to 500 for “Up to N documents” in the purchase plan ?
>>or would we just be on 1 .vpdf file with 500 separate logins.

“Up to N documents” means that you can protect N documents, for each document, you can send it to any number of users as you want, for example, you can email the DRM PDF file to 500 or 1000 clients, every client will able to view this DRM PDF file without any problem, using same login and password.

Yes, you are right, it’s will be on 1 .vpdf file with 500 or 1000 or more separate logins.

>>2. If we chose to email a copy of the .vpdf file to 500 people, and lock the file to viewing on their hard disk or IP address, would that mean we were up to 500 for “Up to N documents” in the purchase plan.

No, “Up to N documents” is limited by number of documents, but not limited by the number of clients, after you protect 1 VPDF file, you can send it to 500 or more users to for reading.

>>or would we just be on 1 .vpdf file with 500 separate IP addresses.

“Lock by IP” will allow this VPDF file can only be read on this special IP address, if you will send the VPDF file to 500 or more peoples, you shouldn’t use this option, because your users may come from different IP addresses.

>>If you could let me know this it will assist us to make a decision regarding the $ 39.95 plan.

Thanks for your message, if you have any other questions, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.